Honey Bee Watch’s kickoff symposium tackles protocols, namely which data points we request citizen scientists and research partners collect when monitoring free-living nests and untreated colonies in apiaries, the two types of naturally surviving honey bee populations that we're studying.
Intending to become the world’s greatest repository of data on survivors, Honey Bee Watch strives to standardize protocols to a great degree, then share them far and wide in order to ensure parity of data globally. But how do you converge monitoring protocols from projects with different research goals, that have spanned varying time frames, that do or do not involve citizens, and with origins in countries as diverse as Serbia, Ireland, UK, US, and beyond?
Meet four experts — Thomas Seeley, Filipe Salbany, Grace McCormack, and Jovana Bila Dubaić — who will share their projects, stories, opinions, and monitoring protocols.
More info and registration at www.HoneyBeeWatch.com/events. Free and open to all.