The Mayan Melipona in History and Ceremony
Thu, Jul 15, 12–2pm Pacific Time
Valerie Solheim will initiate us into the Ix (“spirit”) of the Mayan Melipona Sisterhood. Her story started in Boulder, Colorado, when, by phone, Doña Anselma and the Melipona Grandmother invited her to visit them in Xcunyá, Mexico on the Yucatán Peninsula. Unlike any other honey bee, the stingless Mayan Melipona has been in uninterrupted spiritual communion with the Ix of the Mayan people for eons.
Valerie sought to capture the frequency of that spiritual communion between and among the Melipona bee and Mayan celebrant when recording Melipona hives. This intention was blessed beyond her imagination. In her talk, Valerie will recount her journey and, along the way, introduce us to the Mayan Melipona in history and ceremony.
About Valerie Solheim
With a PhD in Jungian psychology, for 40 years Valerie Solheim’s focus has been to quiet her mind to attend to the Voice that guides her. She was guided to the bees and instructed to record them inside their hives at designated times. Naively, she understood that recorded inner hive frequencies, played to other hives, would strengthen the recipient hives. However, she learned much more…that those frequencies not only heal bees but also all sentient beings. As she listened over time, more healings and spiritual experiences occurred both from the recordings and from those who opened their hives to her.