Illumination to Honor Pachamama and the Wisdom Keepers of the High Andes
Thu, Nov 18, 12–2pm Pacific Time
The Q’ero, a Quechua community in Peru who are direct descendants of the Inca, honor Mother Earth (Pachamama) and the mountain deities (Apus) as their sources of ancient wisdom. After centuries of isolation, these shamans have begun to descend from the top of the world to share their knowledge for the benefit of the planet and our healing. As Wisdom Keepers, they teach us how to live our lives in the moment, full of spirit, and how to shed a life bound by stress and “dis-ease.” They understand that surrounding each of us is a luminous energy that holds a record of our emotional, physical, and spiritual traumas, a blueprint that determines how we will live, heal, and even how we might die. As shamans, they work to bring balance to these fields.
During her talk, Dr. G will teach us an Illumination, or Chakra Cleansing Ritual, which she learned from her Q’ero elders.
About Dr. Gabrielle Francis
Dr. Gabrielle Francis has been practicing holistic medicine for more than 35 years. She is a naturopathic doctor, chiropractor, acupuncturist, and massage therapist, and also has extensive training in alternative cancer therapies, environmental medicine, functional medicine, mind-body medicine, and bio-identical hormone therapies.
Following her formal education, Gabrielle travelled extensively through Asia, South and Central America, Africa, the Middle East, and Europe, studying medicine with indigenous healers. She currently practices in New York City as The Herban Alchemist, and operates Backstage Alternative, which provides natural medicine to performing artists on tour. She is the author of The Rockstar Remedy: A rock ‘n’ roll doctor’s prescription for living a long healthy life, published by Harper Collins.