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Arboreal Apiculture: A Phase Shift


Do you desire a deeper connection to Nature? Do you hanker for a deeper understanding of what your bees may need? Have you learned from them lately?

In this time of accelerating global extinction, we are asked to stand up for life and to awaken to new biotic and spiritual identities, complexities, and entanglements. Supported by pioneering entomological research and traditional practices, arboreal apiculture opens the way into a holistic apian cosmology and re-homes ethics, natural life gestures, and bio-centric designs.

Join The College of the Melissae: Center for Sacred Beekeeping and Apis Arborea for this special invitation to explore and discuss this ancient craft, adapted for modern times. There will be a Q&A session with Michael J. Thiele at the end of the presentation. Registration is required in advance. Registration and pay-as-you-may tickets are available here.

(This talk is part of the College of the Melissae’s 2020 Speaker Series, curated and produced by The Ambeessadors.)